Why is a digital business card the right choice for you?

Digital business card is a modern alternative to the classic paper business card. Instead of carrying around a stack of paper, all you need now is one digital business card that you can share with others with a single tap on your smartphone. This new technology allows you to share your contacts faster and easier than ever before.

Definition of a digital business card

What is a digital business card?

A digital business card is a virtual version of a classic business card that is stored electronically. Instead of the information about a person or company being printed on paper, it is stored in digital form through our online applications and can be shared via e-mail, QR codes and NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, i.e. by touching smartphones. 

How a digital business card works

Digital business cards work on the principle of NFC technology. Each card contains its own chip that is programmed to a specific online address, or link. When the card is near the smartphone, that link is read and leads to ours online application where you can create your online profile and put all the necessary information there.

Advantages of a digital business card

Saving time and money

Instead of making a new set of business cards every now and then, you have one always available business card that contains more information than any paper business card. #JerOneIsEnough

Eco business cards

Paper business cards require large amounts of paper and ink for printing, which has a negative impact on the environment. Digital business cards are created once and stored electronically, meaning they require no paper and create no waste. In addition, digital business cards are more durable than paper business cards, as they are made of PVC material.

Practicality and availability

Your online profiles that you create through our application are always available because they can be saved to your mobile device or computer! In addition, digital business cards can contain more information than traditional paper business cards. For example, digital business cards may contain links to websites, social networks and other resources. Also, digital business cards can be updated quickly and easily, meaning they always have the latest information.

Application of digital business card

In business interactions

When it comes to business interactions, digital business cards are ideal for presenting your business and the services you offer. They are suitable for exchange at business events, conferences, fairs and other occasions.

In personal branding

When it comes to personal branding, digital business cards can include your name, photo, position, contacts, website, social media and other relevant information. They can be used to present your portfolio, projects, experience and other relevant information.

In short, digital business cards are the right choice for business and personal interactions. 

Creating a digital business card

In order to create a quality digital business card, it is necessary to follow several steps.

1. Design selection

The first step in creating a digital business card is choosing a design. Business card design should be attractive and easy to read. Also, it is important to choose fonts and colors that match the company's visual identity. If you need help with the design, feel free to contact us here.

2. Creating an online profile

After choosing a design, you need to create your online profile via our applications. Enter all the necessary data there, and edit the profile according to your wishes.

3. Print and make the card

When you have come up with a design and created a profile, you send us the necessary data as well as the link you received when creating the profile. After that, our team of designers checks your graphic design and sends it for printing.

4. That's it!

After completing the order, wait a few days and your business card will arrive at your door!
Order yours here!


A digital business card is a modern way of networking that offers numerous advantages over traditional business cards. In this article, we have highlighted several key reasons why a digital business card is the right choice for you.

Finally, digital business cards are a modern way of networking that reflects your professionalism and innovation. Using digital business cards shows that you are ready to embrace new technologies and keep up with the times.

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